Monday, July 2, 2007

Yes, I used my own ratty bra and the cantalopes I bought on sale 2 for $5

Here are the pictures that I dabbled with today.
They are part of my Cantalope and Boob series.
The picture of me with my arms crossed is actually that of my backside.
I got the inspiration for this project when I placed a large cantalope next to my own naked "melons"

My Significant Other gasped when he saw the comparison. He Always commented they were to big for me as I am a small framed, small boned, five foot three woman.

I myself did not realize they were the same size as this ample fruit.

Too bad my "melons" are not as firm as the cantalopes themselves....*sigh*

Can you guess which me is the one with the real breasts and which one is really a picture of my backside donning a cantalope filled bra?
Scary part of it all is that both set of "breasts" look the same.

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